Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Slow times

December 5-11: run 3.37 miles x 3
December 12-18: run 3.37 miles x 4
Today: run 3.37 miles

A trip to London, tight shins, and holiday laziness seemed like good reasons to take a brief break from running. The first run was more difficult than I thought. I despise these setbacks, especially when I felt like things were clicking. If it weren't for that tightness in my legs... But the rest was needed. Yeah, that's it.

Some observations and thoughts from my past few runs:
  • Do not eat homemade spicy beef jerky just before running.
  • After taking a 15 day break, shorter 3 mile runs will make you feel like you've had a workout.
  • When you're running and find a break from the wind and run with your face towards the sun, it can be surprisingly and gloriously warm.
  • Some days it's extremely difficult to make yourself get outside and run in the cold. You know the saying that you'll feel better once you get out there? Well, that's not always the case.
  • On a particularly cold day, I saw an 80+ year old man wearing a hat, scarf, mittens, and layers of clothes running on the icy sidewalk. I want to be him.
  • Even on a cloudy day the sun can come out from hiding. It's stunning when it shines on a partially frozen pond.
  • Hard packed snow is a blessing.
  • Warm temperatures and rain cannot melt all the snow in one day. The remaining slushy mess is much more slippery than pure ice with dirt thrown on top.
  • Sometimes all I can hear on a run is the sound of my footsteps on snow and branches breaking. But othertimes I can hear dogs playing with their owners and other runners' labored breathing. For both, I am grateful.
  • On an otherwise boring run, the sighting of a small bright red bird in bare tree branches in a white winter wonderland makes it all worthwhile.


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