Friday, January 05, 2007


Three weeks ago: 28 miles (4/5/4/5/10)
Two weeks ago: 32 miles (6/4/6/4/12)
Last week: 23 miles (4/6/5/8)

Tuesday: run 4 miles
Wednesday: run 7 miles
Thursday: run 4 miles

I registered for my marathon and I am now an official entrant for the 2007 Hyannis marathon. If I finish it will be my tenth.

The running has been going well. During my stepback week I ran a 5 mile "race". I never went with the intent of running all out, but rather putting in a solid effort. During that race I have never felt more like I am built for distance and not speed. I watched the men and women whip out in front of me with limbs flying. Some more elegantly than others. And there I was with my lungs burning with cold winter air, desperately trying not to cough. After the first lap (2.5 miles) I felt as if I had just started running. My second lap felt easier with each step and I avoided looking at my watch for most of the second half because I didn't want to ruin the moment with time considerations. With less than half a mile I finally looked down and was surprised to see that with some effort I might be able to break 45 minutes. I did that easily and finished in 44:19 with a :51 negative split.

Now if I could just get rid of the persistent soreness in my legs...


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