Friday, January 26, 2007

Plugging away

Three weeks ago: 36 miles (4/7/4/7/14)
Two weeks ago: 41.5 miles (8/6.5+3.8/8/15.2)
Last week: 28 miles (8/8/12)

Monday: rest
Tuesday: run 9.2 miles
Wednesday: run 6 miles
Thursday: run 8.5 miles
Friday: rest

I ran on very tired, sore legs for about three weeks. Uggh. You see, I love to run, but my body is not biomechanically fit enough for all the pounding. I have ridiculously flat feet and no matter what shoes I put them in, I always end up with an injury. It doesn't matter how slowly I ramp up the mileage or how much I lift weights to strengthen the muscles that are neglected. I stretch until I can't stand it any longer. And yet, that soreness never dissipates.

I did the only logical thing I could do. Cut back on training. No. Cram five days worth of mileage into four days. Yes. Cram five days of a stepback week into three days. Yes. But the glorious four days off were all worth it. So glorious in fact that I ran past my turn around point on Tuesday night.


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