Monday, November 27, 2006


Three weeks ago: 10 miles
Two weeks ago: 2o miles
Last week: 19 miles

Each week I see a little more progress with my running. Two weeks ago I ran 3/4/3/4/6 because I was afraid to make all of my shorter runs four miles. Last week I only managed to get out four times, but I did run 4/4/4/7 without any problems. And despite the Thanksgiving holiday, I found myself wanting to run and telling my family, "no I can't to that because I've got to go running." It's wonderful to have my running become a habit again and not a chore. With that said I think I'll take this week as a stepback week just because...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Beating the rain

Tuesday: run 4 miles

I checked the weather before heading out for my run and discovered I didn't need to wear my long sleeve T-shirt or gloves. 50-55 degrees. In November.

I had a lovely four mile run and kept waiting for the rain showers to start, but they never did. The air never felt heavy and thick so I should have known that I wouldn't be actually running in the rain. I started out a little quick, but backed off since I want to keep the pace comfortable. I think I pushed it too much last week and I don't need any injuries at this point. With about a 1/2 mile left I felt a little tired, but I quickly forgot about it since I was concentrating on getting up the hill. At this point, I am happy with my progress and a twenty mile week has to just around the corner. Time to look up exactly when that half-marathon is.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Wednesday: nada
Thursday: run 3 miles
Friday: run 3 miles
Saturday: run 3 miles
Sunday: run 5 miles

Weekly total: 17 miles

I'm beginning to feel comfortable with my running again. Of course now that I've written those words, it probably means it's all going to come crashing down around me. All of the three milers were a little tough, but I've been pushing the pace (just a little) and I finish feeling good. I'm not fast, but I feel strong.

Yesterday's "long" run felt wonderful. It was sunny and brisk outside with a slight wind and absolutely perfect for running. I went out with the intention of running slow and without effort and I did just that. There's something inherently pleasing about heading outside with the only goal being to cover a distance. Some days I want to hit a certain pace and other days I want to push the pace at a specific mile. But when you set outside with the only goal to be run 5 miles (and you're not entirely convinced you can make the distance) and you do it with no problem, then it's a glorious day.